About Me

My photo
My name is Tanushree and I am extremely passionate about Photography. You will find my most current work showcased here! With an artisitc approach, I strive to create a timeless and unique collection of spontaneous moments with style. I am a careful and unobstrusive observer anticipating the moment and making the connection. Presently I live in Michigan. When I am not behind my camera or computer I... Cherish time with my Family and Friends. Love to Travel trot with my hubby RL and our Son Avi.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday Randomness

Sometimes life is an escape, a sunset, and being loved by your best friend.
Well here it is to my BF for whom Love and Admiration outpours!!!!!
On RL's Bday last week i gifted him a Guitar and now....
....I am Looking forward to hearing some soulful Guitaring ( and this word does exist in dictoinary)
PS: Photograph taken during sunset in our backyard, love the soft light on his face that comes with the evening Sun.