About Me

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My name is Tanushree and I am extremely passionate about Photography. You will find my most current work showcased here! With an artisitc approach, I strive to create a timeless and unique collection of spontaneous moments with style. I am a careful and unobstrusive observer anticipating the moment and making the connection. Presently I live in Michigan. When I am not behind my camera or computer I... Cherish time with my Family and Friends. Love to Travel trot with my hubby RL and our Son Avi.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Historic Georgia Town,CO

High in the Rocky Mountains, at 8,500 ft. elevation, Georgetown, Colorado is a picturesque charming town of about 1,000 people. We drove around the town and were impressed to see the extent to which the Victorian architecture has been preserved in private homes. The entire town was historical and pictureque but for me the highlight remained the Church on the lake. A perfect setting, a backdrop of snowclad mountain peaks and tranquil reflection of the church in the pond.

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